When Nature Nurtures Hope...

Twende Porini Foundation engages kids and young adults from refugee communities in and around Clarkston, Georgia with outdoor activities to connect them with nature and improve their health and mental well-being.

The Magic Of Twende Porini

We welcome children and young adults to experience and learn about the importance of protecting our wildlife and conserving the areas that we call home through our amazing volunteers and with the help of generous donors like you!

We understand the beneficial impact that nature has on nuturing the child.

We believe that kids are meant to go outdoors where nature thrives. We create opportunities and design outdoor programs that allow kids to play in Nature and learn from Nature.

We aim to help refugee and immigrant children build relationships with Mother Earth and start a journey of environmental stewardship in their lives.

We need the help and support of donors like you.  Please consider donating to Twende Porini Foundation by clicking on the donate button below or if you prefer to mail your contributions via check, please contact: Twende Porini's Email for mailing instructions, and see the impact that nature has on nurturing the child.