When Nature nurtures hope…

At Twende Porini Foundation, our mission is to design and implement nature and environmental education activities for children in refugee and immigrant communities in Georgia. Our vision is for all children from refugee and immigrant communities to become environmentally-aware citizens and be engaged in sustainability initiatives in the United States.

"We owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to conserve the environment so that we can bequeath our children a sustainable world that benefits all."

Wangari Maathai

Who we serve

Our programs and activities are primarily open to children and young adults from immigrant and refugee families and communities in Georgia. However, our doors are open to any child regardless of their social background.  We mainly operate in Clarkston but also prioritize any  Georgia city where refugee communities are resettled.

Our story

When our founder, Patrick Kasele, moved to the US in 2017, he was in charge of the Youth Department at Good Samaritan Church in Stone Mountain, GA, a place of worship for many refugees and immigrants from Africa and Asia. During the summer of 2018, Patrick decided to organize a nature field trip to the Atlanta zoo with 15 kids and their parents. It was their first time ever going to the zoo for those kids and parents. They were so happy and amazed by the animals and learned so much about them.

After the visit to the zoo, Patrick received many calls from parents whose kids wanted to be part of more nature-based field trips. Unfortunately, the newborn Church did not have the resource to organize more nature field trips. But he promised himself that one day he would make sure that every refugee and immigrant child would have the opportunity to enjoy nature and its wonders, just like any other kid in the US. That trip to the zoo was the first seed of the TWENDE PORINI FOUNDATION. Twende Porini is a Swahili phrase that means LET’S GO TO NATURE WORLD.

Our approach

We believe that kids are meant to go outdoors where nature thrives. We create opportunities and design outdoor programs that allow kids to play in Nature and learn from Nature. We aim to help refugee and immigrant children build relationships with Mother Earth and start a journey of environmental stewardship in their lives.

Meet the Team


Patrick Kasele


Patrick is the Founder and current Executive Director of the Twende Porini Foundation, Inc. since January 2022. Minimalist and environmental educator, Patrick developed his passion for nature education in 2012 when he was pursuing his master’s degree in Tropical Forest Management in the Democratic Republic of Congo (his homeland).

Patrick developed the National Program of Climate Change and Nature Education for public schools in DR Congo while working for the Congolese Ministry of Environment And Sustainability.


Gail Webb


In 2012 Gail Webb became President and CEO of Break-Thru Solutions (BTS) Janitorial Supply, a company that provides maintenance supplies and equipment to government agencies and the private sector. 

Ms. Webb held numerous management positions in banking, manufacturing, and the railroad. A Chicago native, she is a graduate of Southern Illinois University, where she majored in Communications and Journalism. Gail is the mother of two sons, Carl and Aaron.


Pamela Nabani


Pamela Nabami has spent the previous four years performing the accounting duties required in corporate businesses in Washington, DC, and more recently, non-profit organizations in Atlanta, GA. 

She is a detail-oriented and devoted professional. Accounts payable, invoicing and paying, processing journal entries and reports, quarterly and annual closings, and trial balance reconciliation are the main areas of concentration for Pamela's work. She oversees and clarifies the management of financial reporting, such as the Profit and Loss statement.


Miyuki Maruping


Miyuki Maruping is the Gardening teacher at The Waldorf School of Atlanta. She moved to the United States from Japan as a young adult. Through her experience in the Fair Trade industry, she has visited various community development efforts around the world and connected with grassroots activities. 

As Miyuki continues to grow as an educator, Biodynamic gardener, and beekeeper, she puts her passion into community building by creating a sanctuary for all brings.



Danielle Bunch


Danielle Bunch is an environmental educator dedicated to social and environmental advocacy, designing for belonging, and salamanders.

She currently serves as the Senior Conservationist at Clayton County Water Authority. Her work includes managing Newman Wetlands Center, where she's dedicated the past seven+ years to creating a welcoming, accessible space for community members to engage with the natural world. Danielle is also passionate about Doberman rescue, equity in the workplace, and dismantling the patriarchy.



Mike Marotta


After working 30 years consulting with large companies, Mike began simply serving the community. He has since worked, volunteered, or continues volunteering with the refugee community and various ministries. 

Mike's serving experience includes managing refugee youth programs, mentoring refugee and foster teens, leading his church's community outreach ministry, and working with a church benevolence ministry. Additionally, Mike's love for the outdoors and nature makes serving on this board a natural extension of his heart for Twende Porini's work.


Our team is filled with creative people. We enjoy creating things out of nature and learning from nature.


Our people are passionate about nature and teaching children to love and appreaciate nature. 


Our work and our mission fuel our souls! Our people are energized to work and teach about nature and the "wild".